A Chronicle of our Family's Adventure in Real Estate.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Outside is Done (Well Sort of)

  Dan drove up to the property to check on the status of the house. To his great surprise he found Titus packing up his tools, materials, and ladders.  This unexpected exit was a good thing!  They were done...well sort of.  There are a few things that need to be tightened up, but all in they they are done with the main part of the house.  Yipee!

It's perfect, except it still doesn't have electric, plumbing, or interior walls. 

At some point we will have a deck coming off of the back.  The point where we have more money and less bills.

The girls named the the weather vane Windrunner, we call her Windy for short.

         The inside has seen a few more improvements mainly in the form of actual stairs going from each level.  Up until this point we had been climbing ladders, which was fun in a dare devil sort of way, but not very safe. We are very concerned about safety around these parts.  We want everyone to be happy and healthy and we really don't want any insurance claims.
Stairs leading from garage to my mom's apartment.
Stairs.....yeah, not a lot more I can say about this picture.
Landing and stairs to the second floor.
    That is what other people have been doing on the house.  I will be back with a post of what we've been doing on our house.  It mainly involves looking at all of the items in my house and shaking my head in disbelief.  How have we amassed so much stuff in a relatively short amount of time?  On average we have lived in our houses for 2 years.  That means about every two years we are sorting and packing through our things in order to move it from one house to another.  You would think having engaged in this exercise 5 times in the past ten years our "junk" collecting would have been kept to a minimum.  I am ashamed and embarrassed to tell you it has not.  I took an van load of  unwanted treasure to the Salvation Army this weekend, and I have a feeling that was just one of many trips in my future.  Do any of you have some decluttering tips you would like to share.  I could use all of the help I can get.

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