Our contractor, Brian is dutifully filling our walls with electrical wire and plumbing pipes. Unfortunately, neither of those things are very useful unless there is actually electricity to run through the wire and water to run through the pipe. The good news is that we got electricity last Monday. Yeah!!! The bad news is that when we ran the water it ran for about 15 minutes and then the well ran dry. Boooo!!. With the Thanksgiving Holiday in full swing last week, we were unable to get the well looked at until yesterday. The latest good news is the well is producing enough water for the house. We were running it at a faster rate, so it ran out sooner than expected. We may need to get a holding tank to make sure we don't run out mid shower, but the well driller felt that we had enough to keep the household running. Now we need to check the water quality to make sure the water doesn't ruin the instant hot water heater. If we have hard water (which is very likely), we will have to install a water softener to insure we don't get build up in the instant hot water heater. What? Another appliance to spend money on? Of course I want it! Once we get the water tested and properly softened. We can start running the water through the Pex Tubes and voila, we will have heat! Our contractor will be very excited to have both heat and electricity. He's been working in less than ideal conditions these past few weeks. We'll be having major labor negotiations if we don't start providing him with some basic creature comforts pretty soon.
Some of the drywall has been installed on the 2nd level to have a surface for the insulation to sit on when it is put in the attic.
Here is a Pinterest craft that I've made for Christmas. It's an advent countdown board that I will clip small gift, Christmas verses, and Christmas activities for us do during the Christmas season.
I was inspired by this Pin.
I think working on my photo taking abilities, lighting techniques, and maybe actually hanging it up will improve the wow factor of my little craft. We're back to that whole "effort" thing again. Maybe next year? Any other fun Christmas crafts out there or are you focused on the edible Christmas treats? We'll be making some of those next week!
I love the calendar!