A Chronicle of our Family's Adventure in Real Estate.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Super Bowl Dreams Thrawrted.....

   The Murches are the latest casualty in the house building playoffs.  Despite Herculean efforts, great team play, and top notch refurbished equipment, the Murches have watched their Super Bowl dreams come crashing down before them.  For the real story we went to assistant coach Dee.  Here's what she says.
   "We gave it our best, but in this situation our best was not enough.  I think our biggest problem is coordinating our offense.  We have good intentions, but in order to make it happen we need a driveway and we just haven't been able to get that in place.  With all of the rain we have a mud pit.  We have not been able to bring in materials like drywall and flooring.  These players area a critical part of our game plan and we just haven't been able to get them in the game."
  We asked Dee about what she thought the team did do right.  "I think we really came through in the painting department.  We considered bringing in a professional for the job, but in the end we thought our resources would be better spent buying a refurbished sprayer.  Dan, the head coach,really did his research and was able to get a quality player at a great rate. He has done an incredible job bringing the best out of our new player.  We think Graco will be an invaluable member of our team." 
   What are your plans now that the Super Bowl is out of reach?  "We have some birthday parties that we'd really like to bring our A game to in February.  Although they are not as prestigious as the Super Bowl they are more meaningful to us as they celebrate members of or team.  We can also see some family dinners and movie nights to get us in shape for the "Big Game" next year."

   There you have it folks..The Murches assistant coach graciously accepts her defeat.  We have it from a very reliable source that the head coach Dan is not dealing with this loss as well.  He refused to comment for this interview, but we overheard quite a disturbance and someone yelling about having to patch the drywall that was just put up....When we have the full story we'll be sure to bring it to you.  Be sure to check back soon to get the inside story from Home builders Illustrated.

We did tackle the big hill in the front yard.  Despite the loss, progress has been made.
We don't mind the mud in the yard, we don't have to walk on the yard.  It's the mud in the driveway that traps our cars and takes them away from us.   We really don't like that mud.
This was really a special moment in the process.  The first color in the house.  Dan doesn't want to admit it, but  I think there was a tear in his eye when he put the paint on.

Making progress in the office.

Before Primer

After Primer

  Go Team!


  1. you guys are hilarious! i love your sense of humor! and it looks amazing so far. keep up the good work and I pray you keep up the patience! :)

  2. Go Team Murches! You are one bunch of MVPs for keeping the humor amidst the hard work and heartache. My predicitions for the 2013 Super Bowl are really good. It will involve walls long since painted, floors that have been lived on, hard work completed, heartache forgotten and a big cold drink and nachos with feet up on a couch in complete satsifaction. :-)
